Crystal Agnew — Landisville, Pennsylvania

One night, while getting ready to go out, a “friend” of husband says, “Won’t it be weird to go out with your work wife and your real wife? That was a soul crushing blow because we’d only been married about 3 to 4 weeks. Safe to assume she was his “first” wife then. I’d met her once before at a baseball game. It was me and my then fiancee and her and a female friend. I sat on the end and pretty much watched them all flirt all evening. So back to the going out night….I told husband I’m not comfortable going if she’s there. But he really wanted to go. So we went. She had a male friend there, but she flirted with my husband again. She would smile at me and laugh directly at me when she saw how upset I was. I felt like a silly little girl that had foolishly thought she married a good guy that loved her deeply. Once home, I spoke my mind and it resulted in him not speaking to her unless necessary for work. They’re both teachers… as frightening as that is. He agreed though. 5 years later: Had a phone bill issue to resolve and I had to go through all old bills. Instead, I found a ton of texts and emails between them. He spoke about going to her place. He complained to her about painting our new home we just bought. He acted like his life was miserable. He encouraged her athleticism while he’d always begged me to stop running because he wanted to spend more time with me. He always felt we were so poor, which we weren’t. But that meant no gym memberships for me anymore or hair cuts or make up our new clothes our shoes… nearly everything. Then he joined her gym. They send inappropriate messages talking about masturbation, my poor health and what a burden I am to him, flirtatious memes with some noting her excellent ***. On and on. When I found out, after 5 years, that he was still speaking to her, going out with her, etc. I sent her a few messages out of anger for trying to break up a marriage. She never responded, but She does keep up their relationship, even after this revelation brought me to the brink of suicide. She simply doesn’t care how badly she hurts me. She’s the type of girl that doesn’t want to be with him but likes leaving him on the hook for her use. It’s just pretty funny to her. I think she gets off on hurting other women this way.

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