Juliette Riggio — Missouri

Where do I start? She comes from a good family so you think everything would be fine, but this individual is the most self centered human being you will ever encounter. She doesn’t care about anyone’s well being but herself. She is extremely fake with her personality and who she is. She acts like she’s better than every female and that means they really don’t want to be her friend. Aside from all that… She cheated on her boyfriend while she was “studying abroad” in Europe with multiple men! She lied about it to his face and told him she was faithful during the whole vacation. She tried to hide it but I let the truth out and let him know how disgusting she truly is. Mommy and Daddy pay for everything for this girl and she will never understand the truth behind working and making a living. She seeks attention from everyone. If you’re looking for a fake Instagram influencer here’s your girl. She expects everything to be handed to her and makes it everyone else’s problem. She gives no cares about anyone feelings. Also, she’s apparently easy to get so fellas have at it! And share it with someone else!

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